Dynamics of the Unconscious: Seminars in Psychological Astrology Volume 2 (Seminars in Psychological Astrology, Vol 2) Seminars in Psychological Astrology Volume 2 (Seminars in Psychological Astrology, Vol 2)


Dynamics of the Unconscious: Seminars in Psychological Astrology Volume 2 (Seminars in Psychological Astrology, Vol 2) Seminars in Psychological Astrology Volume 2 (Seminars in Psychological Astrology, Vol 2)


3,384 円 (税抜き)

Combining the symbolism of astrology with that of psychology, the authors show you how to understand depression, the quest for the sublime, the astrology and psychology of aggression, and alchemical symbolism for tracking life changes. Charts.Reading list.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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