Mrs. Hewitt's Barbeque: Seven Eclectic Tales of Food, Humor, and Love


Mrs. Hewitt's Barbeque: Seven Eclectic Tales of Food, Humor, and Love


316 円 (税抜き)

Mrs. Hewitt throws the very best of parties - don’t be left out! Welcome to the eclectic worldーor is that worlds?ーof award-winning author Anna D. Allen’s debut collection of short stories: Mrs. Hewitt’s Barbeque: Seven Eclectic Tales of Food, Humor, and Love. Mrs. Kelly searches the sands of Egypt for something she lost, while millennia earlier, Nakht the tomb-painter hopes no one discovers his secret. Could the buzz of one bee change an entire city any more than the quest for one sandwich could change a man's life? Oh, and then there’s Dottie who is on a rampage because of what Miz Susan did, while Officer Travis has his hands full with protesters Laurie and Mickey. If only everyone could have gone to Deborah Hewitt’s barbecue, possibly none of this would have happened. In the course of seven distinct, yet somehow connected, stories, we find that love is transcendent, humor is important, and food... well... food might just be what it’s all about. But it’s not as simple as all that. These are not cut-and-dried stories all told from the same viewpoint and formula. Each story is a part of its own remarkable world. And each world, as drawn by the author, is a living, breathing entity. Each character, we can be assured, has a life far beyond what we see on the page. So come in, have a seat in the shade, and pour yourself a glass of strawberry lemonade. This is one barbecue you simply don’t want to miss. Includes: "Mrs. Kelly's Ghosts," "The Thwarted Reuben," "A Bee Buzzed," "Chains," "In the Green Fields of Eternity," "Dottie's Dachshunds," and "Mrs. Hewitt's Barbeque."画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
worlds Dachshunds throws Dottie because