The Tales of Grasmere Valley Volume 1


The Tales of Grasmere Valley Volume 1


375 円 (税抜き)

Ever once stayed at a place and never wished to leave after you have encountered it? Well Grasmere Valley is just the town for you. Despite it being small, everyone from Prime Ministers and Monarchs to Milkmen and Mascots live here. Such tales of the citizens of the Valley include a picket at a picnic, a wedding party crashing their own reception, a rat infested house, Belshazzar’s TV and 4 time widowed serial killer. With all the excitement and randomness Grasmere Valley will be the town that both enthrals and intrigues you.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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excitement Grasmere widowed Despite include