Choosing an Online Payment Service Google Checkout vs. PayPal (Digital Short Cut)


Choosing an Online Payment Service Google Checkout vs. PayPal (Digital Short Cut)


1,784 円 (税抜き)

This is the eBook version of the printed book. Choosing an Online Payment System: Google Checkout vs. PayPal is a digital short cut that covers Google's new Google Checkout online payment system. It covers all aspects of using Google Checkout, for both buyers and sellers, and then compares and contrasts Google Checkout with PayPal, the current market-leader in online payments. You will learn which of the two payment systems, Google Checkout or PayPal, should be used, when given a choice. Sellers will learn which payment system is best to use for their online auctions and merchant websites. Table of Contents Buying and Selling Electronically: How Online Payment Systems Work: A general discussion on how PayPal, Google Checkout, and similar online payment systems work Using Google Checkout: For Buyers: A detailed discussion on how to use Google Checkout to purchase items online Using PayPal: For Buyers: A detailed discussion on how to use PayPal to purchase items online Buyer's Choice: Google Checkout or PayPal?: A comparison of Google Checkout with PayPal for online purchasers; also covers other payment systems an online shopper might encounter Using Google Checkout: For Sellers: A detailed discussion on how to add Google Checkout to your merchant website and use the service to manage customer payments Using PayPal: For Sellers: A detailed discussion on how to add PayPal to your merchant website and eBay auctions and use the service to manage customer payments Seller's Choice: Google Checkout or PayPal?: A comparison of Google Checkout with PayPal for online sellers; also covers other alternatives, such as Amazon Payments 画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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purchase customer >Buyer should Payments