Commentaries and Sermons on the Book of Revelation - Is the Age of the Antichrist, Martyrdom, Rapture and the Millennial Kingdom Coming? (II)


Commentaries and Sermons on the Book of Revelation - Is the Age of the Antichrist, Martyrdom, Rapture and the Millennial Kingdom Coming? (II)


471 円 (税抜き)

Most Christians today believe in the theory of pre-tribulation rapture. Because they believe in this false doctrine teaching them that they would be lifted before the coming of the Great Tribulation of seven years, they are leading idle religious lives steeped in complacency. But the rapture of the saints will occur only after the plagues of the seven trumpets run their course until the sixth plague is all poured-that is, the rapture will happen after the Antichrist emerges amidst global chaos and the born-again saints are martyred, and when the seventh trumpet is blown. It is at this time that Jesus would descend from heaven, and the resurrection and rapture of the born-again saints would occur (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). On this day, everyone in this world would be standing on a crossroad of his/her eternal fate. The righteous who were born again by believing in the "gospel of the water and the Spirit" will be resurrected and raptured, and thus become heirs to the Millennial Kingdom and the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, but the sinners who were unable to participate in this first resurrection will face the great punishment of the seven bowls poured by God and be cast into the eternal fire of hell. Therefore, you must now come out of all the false doctrines of religions and the lust and confused values of this world, and enter into the true Word of God. I hope and pray that by reading my series on the gospel of the water and the Spirit, you would all be bestowed with the blessing of having all your sins washed away, and of receiving the second coming of our Lord without fear.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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bestowed Millennial trumpets punishment Christians