Sigurd and His Brave Companions A Tale of Medieval Norway


Sigurd and His Brave Companions A Tale of Medieval Norway


2,191 円 (税抜き)

Inspired by tales of the hero Vilmund Vidutan and his fellow knights, Sigurd Jonsson and his young friends Ivar and Helge set out to reenact these exploits on their medieval Norwegian farm. They carve swords and lances and spend hours making shields. With a little imagination, a pasture becomes a battlefield, an old boar their greatest foe, and they pass many hours jousting and dueling. But when the summer is nearly over, the three boys stumble into real trouble and must prove their courage in an adventure all their own. Written during Sigrid Undset’s time in New York, Sigurd and His Brave Companions will make medieval Norway come alive for young and old readers alike.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Sigurd >Written making lances Jonsson