The Necessary Christian An End-Time World Is Dying for a Resuscitated Church


The Necessary Christian An End-Time World Is Dying for a Resuscitated Church


1,291 円 (税抜き)

Heaven, we have a problem! Cobwebs line the interiors of our great cathedrals. The number of disciples in need of a good dusting off is growing like a well-watered weed! God's house has become an echoing and lonely place, its sanctuaries largely vacated. Hordes of professing believers worldwide no longer posses a biblical worldview or identify with Jesus' Kingdom values and redemptive agenda; they've either fallen asleep at the mission wheel or gone MIA altogether. Its preoccupation with traditions and divisions along with its frequent scandals and indifference to the Great Commission have reduced the Church's message to words written in sand, being blown away by the slightest of winds coming from a biblically antagonistic culture. If we believe God is a big God, that everything He is and does is beyond containing, then why shouldn't His plans for His people be just as huge? Many Christians, however, are settling for an uninspired, sleepy-eyed, and even defeated spiritual life. As Jesus' return draws ever closer, the pulse of our end-time world is growing weaker; it's dying for Christians to be resuscitated (revived and renewed) in their faith and ministry resolve. A new and necessary righteousness in the form of an epic spiritual recovery in the worldwide Church of Jesus Christ is long overdue! About the Author: Ron Mahler has served Jesus Christ as a youth pastor and senior/lead pastor for seventeen years. He is a graduate of Tyndale University and Seminary in Toronto, Ontario, with a masters' degree in theology. Mahler is the founding pastor of Highland Lakes Community Church in Minden, Ontario, and is an adjunct faculty member of Kawartha Lakes Bible College in Peterborough, Ontario, teaching courses in leadership, New Testament studies, and theology. He and his wife, Elaine, and their two children live in the Minden area.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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