The Secrets of Superior Sales Leadership


The Secrets of Superior Sales Leadership


399 円 (税抜き)

What Makes You a Good Sales Manager? Is Your Team Selling or Order Taking? Give Yourself a Competitive Edge and Create Explosive Sales Growth with the Techniques You Will learn from this Business Book. Large organisations spend huge amounts of money trying to increase the competitiveness of their selling activity. The money is mainly spent on Sales Automation, CRM programmes, extensive training courses and recruitment to replace people. However one key area that is neglected is the role and responsibilities of the SALES MANAGER. Sales leaders, from large and small businesses alike, are challenged with hiring, training and supporting their sales teams as they look for ways to exceed sales targets. In smaller organisations the role of the Sales Manager is perhaps even more critical as the resources at their disposal are limited and the example they set will drive the behaviour of the team. Unfortunately Sales Managers often seem to forget the “Selling” part of their job, often they have been promoted to management because they were the best salesperson but this doesn’t necessarily prepare them for the role. If critical aspects of sales leadership are never learned and practised then even very experienced managers sell the company and their teams short. From effective recruitment and target setting through motivation of sales people, the role of Sales Manager has many dimensions. The more competitive the market place the more skilled the Sales Manager needs to be. The Secrets of Superior Sales Leadership looks at the key aspects of the Sales Manager’s role in generating consistent and sustainable revenue for their business. In a practical easy to read format the book provides a selection of top sales tips to ensure that Sales Managers focus on the important aspects of their role and really drive revenue results. Want to be a better Sales Manager or get yourself ready for Sales Management? Read on...画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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