Strength, Heart & Balance 3 Principles for Building a Strong Yogasana Practice


Strength, Heart & Balance 3 Principles for Building a Strong Yogasana Practice


555 円 (税抜き)

When you build a house, one of the first things you need to do is pour the foundation. If the foundation is strong, it will support the house for years. If it is weak, it will crack and everything on top of it will become weak and more likely to fall. The same could be said for your asana practice. If the foundation for your practice is built from a weak foundation, then you are more prone to struggle in your postures, to give up or even to become injured. This book is about how to build a strong asana foundation and thus a strong asana practice. Another interesting thing to note about a foundation is that once the house is built over it, it is rarely noticed. The foundational principles presented here are not flashy. They can be integrated into the practice of both a beginner and a more advanced yogi.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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