Vision Machine: A short story of biblical proportions


Vision Machine: A short story of biblical proportions


238 円 (税抜き)

Rachel Kinder is a lawyer. She is trained to be skeptical. She values cold, hard evidence over speculation and shaded nuance. During her latest routine trial of an alleged Nazi war criminal, the most extraordinary turn of events in all of legal history falls into her lap--Vision Machine. Suddenly Rachel has the tool to produce the hard evidence she needs to win her case. The question is will her shaky faith and doubting lawyer’s training reject the gift given her? At the same time the entire world is watching Rachel Kinder and her trial. Will Mankind exhibit the same dogged resistance to accepting actual, indisputable historical truth? Will we reject Vision Machine’s capacity to unveil historical events as they actually happened without prejudiced taint, ulterior motives or erroneous accounts? The trial of the century--or any other century, for that matter--serves as the backdrop for the story of Vision Machine. The story introduces a technology, the likes of which mankind has been waiting for forever. Literally. In the process the story raises questions each of us has thought about but can yet only guess at the answers. Vision Machine is an extraordinarily engaging story. Well crafted and character driven, it provides multiple layers on which to view its message. Chris Malburg hit it out of the park with this one.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
entire layers history >Vision backdrop