Exotics #3: The Subterranean Sanctuary


Exotics #3: The Subterranean Sanctuary


806 円 (税抜き)

Returning home again after the terrible events at Xanadu House, Rachael Baptiste has learned not to trust humans...because they might be part of the Lighthouse Parents, a hostile group out to arrest and destroy the Exotics. Her parents do nothing but argue. Her Exotic friends pretend to be normal. Her human friends hint that it might be better if the Exotics just disappeared. And now the horrible Mr. Hightower wants her to spy for him...on her mom. Rachael doesn’t know what she should do...but she knows that if she doesn’t keep an eye on Mr. Hightower and his group of Exotics, she won’t be able to stop them...画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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pretend >Rachael terrible Hightower Exotics