Sing To The Lord A New Song: Book 11


Sing To The Lord A New Song: Book 11


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Sunrise ? The Day Begins Synopsis By Doug Vermeulen The spiritual gifts have only one goal, and that is to bring love to the Body of Christ. Jesus, our King of Kings causes mercy to flow in his Body through the gifts accomplishing their work in His Body, a Body with many parts: - and we see that flow in Corporate Responsibility With Individual Freedom/Function Individual Freedom Of Function With Corporate Responsibility. The Amplified Bible explains that the holy cry is the spiritual blessings symbolised by the feasts, and that we need to know the spiritual meanings of the feasts. The `Three Feasts' mentioned in Leviticus, Exodus & Deuteronomy could be shown to have the following characteristics: - Historical Look for an expression in natural historical Israel The Law was established Prophetical Look for an experiential fulfilment in Jesus Jesus fulfilled every single requirement of the law Spiritual Look for an experiential fulfilment in the Body of Jesus - the Church today. In the new covenant the Holy Spirit is writing `His Law' in our minds and hearts; this being possible because Jesus fulfilled every single requirement of old Testament covenant law. We observe throughout the scriptures that whenever the feasts, etc, were restored and observed - great defeats of Israel's enemies; and great prosperity were the result for Israel. The New Testament fulfilment historically is Calvary where Jesus paid with His body, blood and life for our redemption. As we partake of the unleavened bread and the wine at the Lord's Table; the wine is a symbolic remembrance that our sins - past, present and future have been dealt with. However sanctification

or healing

of our souls still needs to take place, and the bread of the Presence: Put the bread of the Presence on this table to be before me at all times Exodus 25:30 This book concerns Jesus and the saints. Who will enter into fullness and maturity as a Christian? Not all Christians will enter into the Feast of Tabernacles. The bible talks of three categories of Christians. The Passover Christians: those who have the Word of God but have not moved on to experience the gifts of the Holy Spirit or to have gone through -the outer court- the sanctification process in the next category.

The lepers anointing

. The Pentecost Christians: those who have the Word of God and the gifts of the Spirit and are experiencing sanctification as the gifts flow -the Holy Place-; but who have not entered into an experience of daily living with a full, continuous moment to moment experience of the Most High God.

The Melchizedekal priestly anointing

. The Tabernacle Christians: those who have the Word of God, and the gifts of the Spirit, and who have entered into an Ark of the Covenant experience in the Holy of Holies - the secret place of the Most High.

The kingly anointing

. Book 11 covers the corporate symbology of the furniture in the Tabernacle/Temple so that the Body of Christ would come to full maturity as a corporate temple of the Living God. The role of the Feasts in the Old Testament are looked at in terms of their modern equivalents, and are also tied back to the five meetings dealt with in Book 3.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Function Church defeats /Temple However