The Unwanted Winter


The Unwanted Winter


399 円 (税抜き)

For more years than history could account, the Twelve have stood between mankind and a terrible, ancient menace. Time and again, the Guardians have thwarted the vile and wicked minions of Storm. They have cast them from the World of Man and back into the tormented plane from whence they come. Until now. This time, he has changed the game. He has done what could not be done. He has bereft the World of Man it’s only protection against Him. He has torn the Guardians from their homes, their families, their friends and everything else they hold dear. He has exiled them, for all time, to the Melded World. The Guardians - twelve brave children - must find a way to survive upon a terrible, mixed world, filled with horrific creatures, diabolic plant-life and a relentless and cruel climate. They must somehow discover their vast Gifts - the very powers that make them Guardians, wielders of the oldest sorcery ever known. They might use them to find a way to overcome the tragic fate He has bestowed upon them. They must hurry. Time is running out. He is coming. He is bringing the whole of his vast empire with him - six master races with six limitless armies. All that is chaos and malice rides under his banner. He is the Lord of the Storm, the Great Maelstrom.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
against changed bestowed terrible climate