Space Suits Being the Selected Legal Papers of Waldo Burmeister and Henry Carver, Attorneys-At-Law


Space Suits Being the Selected Legal Papers of Waldo Burmeister and Henry Carver, Attorneys-At-Law


548 円 (税抜き)

Lawyers in space?! Well, yes. It's a terrifying thought. But there are lawyers and lawyers. And then, there are Henry Carver and Waldo P. Burmeister. Sometimes it's not clear if their greatest skill lies in getting their clients out of trouble - or getting themselves into it. Whether it's Waldo doggedly trying to escape The Dalmation of Faust or Henry's grim internal struggle against Parasites Lost, or the two working together, because so much is riding With the Knight Male, their adventures are sure to entertain every reader - and lead most to consider a long time before daring to seek legal representation.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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