Heart of the Enlightened A Book of Story Meditations


Heart of the Enlightened A Book of Story Meditations


1,898 円 (税抜き)

"Said the river to the seeker: 'Does one really have to fret about enlightenment? No matter which way I turn, I'm homeward bound.'" --Anthony de Mello We are like bears pacing in a cage, Anthony de Mello says. Even if the cage is removed, we keep pacing in the same timid limits. We are afraid to get out. And we think that the only way out is by endless striving and thinking. But this profound healer and spiritual master shows us another way. The Heart of the Enlightened, the sequel to the highly successful Taking Flight, contains more than two hundred of de Mello's favorite stories. Whether Buddhist tales, Hindu fables, Islamic sayings, or Christian parables, the stories de Mello has chosen are sure to seep through to the heart. They touch on relationships, human nature, service, spirituality, and enlightenment. These are stories to be read slowly and savored. They are the key to liberating us from all that would pen us in.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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