Jack and the Great Cliff


Jack and the Great Cliff


200 円 (税抜き)

Like the saying goes lemmings follow blindly. But Jack a young lemming living in the tundra has his eyes wide open. He knows that there is more to life than just being a follower. Jack also has a desire to explore the world. Being at the top of every predator's menu, he is limited to his immediate surroundings. He accidentally befriends a falcon named Thor that helps Jack discover a sinister secret kept among the elders of his clan. The secret is a carefully orchestrated lie told to the lemmings that is meant to decrease the explosive lemming population. The elders believe that if the population is low the predators will go elsewhere for food. This is to ensure the elders survival and a comfortable life fed on the toils of the hard working lemmings. Jack has until the winter solstice to change the mind set of hundreds of lemmings before they plunge into the icy depths of the ocean. With his closest friends and unlikely allies at his side, Jack embarks on a life changing adventure to save the lives of the lemmings.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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predators befriends winter working plunge