Alternative Medicines To Enhance Your Medical Treatments Your Best Guide To Ayurvedics, Chiropractics, Biofeedback, Chinese Medicine, Reiki Healing And Other Alternative Medicine Types Plus Using Alternative Medicine In Children And Gend


Alternative Medicines To Enhance Your Medical Treatments Your Best Guide To Ayurvedics, Chiropractics, Biofeedback, Chinese Medicine, Reiki Healing And Other Alternative Medicine Types Plus Using Alternative Medicine In Children And Gend


645 円 (税抜き)

Traditionally, the first response for Americans to any type of medical issue is conventional medicine. They look to conventional methods of medical treatments such as prescription medication, traditional surgery, and computerized scientific testing for relief and healing. Not many know that alternative methods to treatment can go hand in hand with traditional medicine, and can in fact enhance its effects. Alternative medicine envelops the concept of seeking out non-traditional ways to deal with day-to-day health issues. It encompasses many different therapies, such as hypnosis, color therapy, yoga, meditation, herbal remedies, vitamin therapy, and many more. Alternative methods of treatment focus on the whole person; body and soul. This type of medicine looks beyond taking medication. The main focus of alternative medicine is that life is a combination of parts that includes more than the treatment of disease. There is a definite focus on living life well, happily, and with purpose.  It is believed that this is an essential part of healthy living. This book will explore the many different components of alternative medicine, and how each can help you. It is the aim of this book that you can use the ideas captured here and be able to plan your treatment well to take advantage of the best of both types of medicine for a life that is comfortable and enjoyable.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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