Presidential Migraines


Presidential Migraines


1,028 円 (税抜き)

"You'll never look at your cell phone the same way again after reading Presidential Migraines..." With the first presidential debate to be held on the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota just a few weeks away, the focus of the nation is upon a young senator from California of Chinese descent who has begun to inexplicably surge in the polls in his bid to overtake the relatively popular incumbent president. So what does a meeting of a group of six engineers and three neurologists in the conference room at the university’s Department of Neurology have to do with that debate? If there is a connection between the completion of a fascinating research project funded by an Iranian and conducted by the university and Minntronic, a local biomedical manufacturing company, what could it be? When contacts and associates of Dr. Jack Stevens, a neurologist and electrical/computer engineer, began to turn up dead, might he be the one man in America who can uncover the truth of what is going on? The first book in the Dr. Jack Stevens Series画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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