Rosie Sprout's Time to Shine


Rosie Sprout's Time to Shine


623 円 (税抜き)

Violet runs the fastest, sings the highest, looks the fanciest, and talks the loudest. Everyone agrees that she's the best. Except Rosie. Rosie isn't fast, or loud, or fancy, but she's tired of hearing that Violet is the best. When their class grows pea plants, Rosie's and Violet's are the first to sprout! But Violet's is a little taller. So Rosie pushes some soil over Violet's sprout to slow it down. And for a moment, Rosie's plant is the bestーbut she feels terrible. And she feels even worse when she learns that Violet has the chicken pox. So for the next two weeks, Rosie waters her plantーand Violet's too. She turns them in the sun, and sings them quiet growing songs. And her teacher says that Rosie is the best gardener she's ever had. Definitely the best. This empathetic story captures every child's desire to be noticed and praised, and the subtle competitions that go on in a classroom. It's a book to swell every shy child's heart.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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terrible classroom taller chicken little