The Secrets of Superior Sales Activity


The Secrets of Superior Sales Activity


399 円 (税抜き)

Are Your Sales Team Working Efficiently? Are they Doing the Right Things in the Right Way at the Right Time? Discovering the Full Potential of Your Team Will Empower You to Smash Every Target! Selling and Buying has been around since the start of mankind so it should be simple and we should be good at it, right? Well one thing is for sure being good at selling is critical to your business ? whether you are a long established and successful company or an ambitious “start” up, you need to sell to grow and expand. In the good times companies need to maximise their selling efforts in order to secure their future and in the bad times those same companies need to sell more than their competitors in order to survive. It is a fact that Salespeople spend most of their time doing things that they like rather than activities that increase sales. By simply keeping focused on activities that drive sales you will beat your competitors and sell more. There is the story of the rich socialite in London who needed a hat urgently for an important occasion. Her milliner (a hat-maker) arrived at her house and within thirty minutes had created an amazing and beautiful new hat from a single strand of ribbon. The socialite was enthralled and asked the milliner the fee. The milliner replied "One Thousand Pounds". The socialite gasped, "But that's so much money for a piece of ribbon!" The milliner unpinned the ribbon and handed it to her, "Madame the ribbon is free, it's the 'know-how' that you're paying for". The Secrets of Superior Sales Activity gives you the ‘know-how’ to identify where salespeople typically go wrong and provides seven simple and practical ways of delivering superior results. From generating leads through dealing with difficult customers this simple straight forward guide will make sure that you and your team are focused on what matters. Sales efficiency is simply doing more of the right things more often. Want to know how to maximise your sales performance? Read on...画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » BUSINESS & SELF-CULTURE
Empower thirty performance efforts Buying