Conas A amazon kindle Ghoid 768 L-leabhar Uaim (Irish Edition)


Conas A amazon kindle Ghoid 768 L-leabhar Uaim (Irish Edition)


1,614 円 (税抜き)

Riamh an cuntas seo curtha ar an eolas maidir le haon s?ruithe n? saincheisteanna den s?rt sin. Gan tr?cht ar tugadh f?gra ar?s agus ar?s eile den s?rt sin. N? nuair a luadh t?, am at? caite, n? i l?thair aon s?r? de chine?l ar bith. N? raibh an cuntas seo aon athruithe a rinneadh air i n?os m? n? dh? mh?. N? m?r d?inn anois n? riamh curtha ar an eolas faoi aon fhadhb. Conas A amazon kindle Ghoid 768 L-leabhar Uaim? T? ar litir maidir le m?-?s?id, faill?, agus goid m? fhulaing ag na l?mha ar do Foirne Kindle Direct Publishing. Gheobhaidh t? achoimre ioml?n de mo gear?in log?ilte isteach sa stair cuntais, ar iliomad r?omhphoist achomharc a dh?anamh i dteagmh?il le do gn?th- agus soil?ire i m?ni? ar ghn?omhartha KDP i gcoinne mo Teach Foilsitheoireachta, maidir le mo, l?ithreach n? i?l, d?birt as do ch?ras gan ch?is, le aon mh?ni? ar cad cionta t? m? geallta riamh go dt? seo, m?s ann, gan tr?cht ar c?n f?th go bhfuil s? sin l?imhse?il le cr?ochnaitheacht l?ithreach den s?rt sin agus n? m?r fearg den s?rt sin. T? do dh?birt go luath a bheith i do ghn?omh go ?dar d?oltas m?r. Mar sin, roimh a bheith againn leis ar ch?ad ch?im eile, t? m? ar t-achomharc deiridh. C?n f?th a bhfuil mo leabhar a chur as amazon? D?an liosta de na cionta go d?reach cad t? m? geallta chun bar?ntas seo fuath, gn?omh naimhdeach ghlac t? i mo choinne. Agus, Simpl? English Edition: This letter is care the hurt, ignore, and steal I have feel at the hand of your Kindle Direct Publishing People. You will find a total record of my anger report in this record history, many of mail ask for a feel of normal and clear in the teach of KDP action not like my Make House, care my now, not said, not defend kick from your plan, with no teach of what hurt I have ever do to date, if any, let alone why this has been handle with such now final and such anger need. Your kick is short to become an act that defend great revenge. So, before we be this next phase, I have this final ask. Why have my book been remove from amazon? List same what hurt I have do to cause this hate, anger action you have take not like me. Agus, English Edition: This letter is regarding the abuse, neglect, and theft I have suffered at the hands of your Kindle Direct Publishing Staff. You will find a complete summary of my complaints logged in this accounts history, dozens of emails appealing for a touch of sanity and clarity in the explanation of KDP actions against my Publishing House, regarding my immediate, unnotified, unjustified expulsion from your system, with no explanation of what offenses I have ever committed to date, if any, let alone why this has been handled with such immediate finality and such ferocious ineptitude. Your expulsion is shortly to become an act that justifies great retribution. So, before we being this next phase, I have this final appeal. Why have my books been removed from amazon? List exactly what offenses I have committed to warrant this hateful, hostile action you have taken against me. ?Conas A amazon kindle Ghoid 768 L-leabhar Uaim Eochairfhocail: amazon kindle l-leabhar, amazon goidte l-leabhar, amazon goid, triobl?id? foilsitheoireachta, heitic gn?, kindle l-leabhar, cabhair a fhoilsi?, ?s?id ch?ir, dl? c?ipchirt, s?r? c?ipchirt, goid c?ipcheart, cosaint c?ipchirt, dl? gn?画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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regarding >Conas exactly summary retribution