All Shades Of Blue Paradise


All Shades Of Blue Paradise


548 円 (税抜き)

Siren Classic: Erotic Fantasy Romance

Destiny and love can be denied for only so long... Except for her daring equestrienne competitions Lady Sheridan lives a quiet life caring for her family's estate staving off financial ruin and keeping her brother's misdeeds from ruining his marriage and the life of her beloved nieces. Despite all his desperate efforts Baron Zaggry has never discovered why his Sherfantasy broke their engagement. Now his ruse successful Sheridan is finally his his slave lover. He has ten years worth of denied pleasures to make up for to savor however he erotic chooses. ** A Siren Erotic Romance画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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brother pleasures marriage estate erotic