The Art of Simplicity: A Simple Guide to Focusing on the Essentials of the Heart


The Art of Simplicity: A Simple Guide to Focusing on the Essentials of the Heart


322 円 (税抜き)

The Art of Simplicity: A Simple Guide to Focusing on the Essential of the Heart offers inspirational quotes, thought-provoking insights, and simple ideas and suggestions that encourage men and women to prioritize their lives around the things that count. This browser-friendly book offers gentle reminders that a simple life is not only about downsizing and organizing your life, but about making room for the essentials of the heart. Key Word: Integrity Key Concept: Divine wisdom Cosmic Question: What priorities lead to peace and spiritual growth? - You can create greater abundance in your life when you choose more consciously. - Making right choices moves us beyond fear, anger, judgment, and other ego agendas into spiritualーand materialーfreedom. Simplicity that revolves around the essentials of the heart creates a more meaningful life. Choosing simplicity helps you make room for the important things like love, friendship, beauty, fun, creativity, and following your heart to a place of deep wholeness and peace. The simple things, like clean water or a loving hug or a light in the darkness, are the things that keep us grounded and remind us of our connection to the dynamic forces of life. They create a sense of safety and wholeness, cradling us in the here and now of creation. Simple things and simple choices make the difference between merely existing and real living. They are about values and character as much as about material possessions. Whether it is a choice to live life from the heart or a quiet appreciation of the small gifts of life, simple living is about simply living, finding a balance between being and doing, making the most of the life you have been given on earth, right here and right now. Simplicity opens the way to the center of the heart--where quiet, healing, and a still small voice await. Simplicity is making elegant choices, treasuring precious moments, and valuing that which is of lasting value and eternal worth. Sharing wisdom from many sources, The Art of Simplicity offers a little bit of practical advice and a few ideas that might spark your thinking. This guide can inspire you to make the changes within that will flow out and transform your outer life. It encourages you to change habits that hold you back and remove the clutter of old beliefs that limit the free expression of the essential you. The Art of Simplicity helps you catch a glimpse of your own spiritual magnificence. Choosing simplicity helps you make room for the important things in life: love, friendship, beauty, fun, creativity, and following your heart to a place of deep wholeness and peace. Candy Paull’s writing is the readable equivalent of Earl Grey tea, steeped in a pot, and served in your grandmother's china. That is: it warms you through and through. Victoria Moran, bestselling author of Creating a Charmed Life Excerpt: Simplicity is…ordering my life around the essentials of the heart. Simplicity is… focusing my attention on what I want to create and experience. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10 (KJV) Simplicity is… a single red rose in a crystal vase. Simplicity is… a child's smile. Simplicity is… eyes closed in prayer. God always takes the simplest way. ー Albert Einstein Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. --Theodore Roosevelt The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of nonessentials. --Lin Yutang Simplicity is… a moment of silence. Simplicity is… bread, wine, and a table. Simplicity is… a clean closet.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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