The Chocolate Pirate Plot A Chocoholic Mystery


The Chocolate Pirate Plot A Chocoholic Mystery


1,033 円 (税抜き)

Tenth in the national bestselling Chocoholic mystery series...sweet! Ever since Young Blackbeard became the biggest movie of the decade, everyone has caught pirate fever, including the residents of Warner Pier. TenHuis Chocolade is raking in the booty and selling out of chocolate treasure chests, pirate hats and ships. When Lee McKinney Woodyard and her husband Joe take their boat out on Lake Michigan, they're stunned when a mischievous band of pirates hops on board. Lee's is the first boat boarded that summer, and the town couldn't be more amused by the mysterious buccaneers. But when a body washes up on shore, the pirates' antics stop being so entertaining. Now Lee has to figure out the truth behind the Warner Pier Pirates, before someone else winds up walking the plank....画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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bestselling >Young boarded including McKinney