Eyelash Pulling: How to Cure Eyelash and Eyebrow Trichotillomania


Eyelash Pulling: How to Cure Eyelash and Eyebrow Trichotillomania


1,118 円 (税抜き)

Written by Amy Foxwell, an 'ex eyelash puller', and after many years of research into why people pull out their eyelashes and eyebrows, and how Trichotillomania can be treated, this is a collection of proven and powerful help based on real success stories in curing eyelash and eyebrow Trichotillomania. These tools are immediately useable, and effective, and can be put to work instantly to help suffers stop pulling their eyelashes and eyebrows out, including: - Simple ways to identify when and why you pull your eyelashes and eyebrows - How to use a form of visualisation to stop pulling - How to use autohypnosis to alter your actions - Using a journal to relieve stress - Using secret weapons against your eyelash pulling condition - Diet and natural remedies to relieve irritation and encourage eyelash growth - Important facts about eyelash and eyebrow Trichotillomania and hair growth - And much, much more… Also includes the Trich Stop Workbook which gives eyelash pullers actual worksheets to help them work through their hair pulling condition.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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against suffers >Written including growth