Sluggish Thyroid Syndrome Why Tests Keep Coming Back Normal, Yet You Continue Feeling Unwell


Sluggish Thyroid Syndrome Why Tests Keep Coming Back Normal, Yet You Continue Feeling Unwell


1,054 円 (税抜き)

Have you suffered from thyroid-like symptoms, been to the doctors, yet all your tests come back normal? Or are you a practitioner who has been confronted by diagnostics which do not support what your clinical observations suggests is a thyroidal issue… and so you closed the door on that as a treatment option? This e-book explores why many people in the developed nations are increasingly finding themselves dealing with a significant health issue called subclinical hypothyroidism. It also investigates why this condition has been so difficult to diagnose when using traditional Western laboratory tests for regular hypothyroidism, and explores alternate ways of diagnosing and treating the subclinical aspect of thyroid function. In order to restore full health to the thyroid, it is essential the adrenals, liver and digestive system are included in the overall treatment plan; something often forgotten, but fully explored in this book. Peter de Ruyter came to Australia in 1964. He has a background in Science and Nursing, which provided a wholistic basis from which to work as an Herbalist. Over the last 3 decades hes specialized in helping many people with life-threatening illnesses. Presently he lives in Sydney, Australia.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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