Exploring the Story A Reference Companion


Exploring the Story A Reference Companion


1,604 円 (税抜き)

**Exploring the Story helps you understand and grasp the significance of each chapter in the bestselling The Story--an innovative Bible that presents Scripture as a continuous narrative in chronological order. The big picture of God's redemptive plan comes into focus as you learn about the following elements: Timelineーshows how the events of The Story relate to the rest of history. Plot Pointsーbriefly describes the key narrative themes of a passage. Cast of Charactersーintroduces the people featured in the text. Chapter Overviewーsummarizes the corresponding chapter in The Story. Discussion Questionsーgives ideas for individual or group reflection. Section Commentaryーpresents theological issues, important archaeological discoveries, or launch points for further discussion. Small group leaders, pastors, and lay students of the Bible will gain a deeper understanding of God's life-changing redemptive plan by reading this book alongside The Story.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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bestselling reflection significance launch history