Kade: Sun of Perdition


Kade: Sun of Perdition


774 円 (税抜き)

During the Black Sun, under the Eye of God, angels may fall to Earth. These Fallen Angels have left the grace of God and act without consequence. Many try to spite their Creator by possessing the anemic spirits of those who are morally corrupt, using them as their demonic servants. As a Child of the Black Sun, Kade is the ageless balance that tips the dark scale back towards the light, as he hunts the demons and The Fallen. Kade and Ezra have been hunting demons for nearly a thousand years and another Black Sun is on the horizon and with it, one of the most powerful enemies known to man.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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>During possessing towards Fallen horizon