Bend Over, Girl


Bend Over, Girl


638 円 (税抜き)

This book contains six short stories from a writer who many will know from magazines and spanking websites. Typically realistic and often based on real-life events, they depict punishments in British girls’ schools with one having a modern Australian setting. Fair's Fair Two girls are punished by the headmaster for bringing alcohol into the school, but that's just the start of it. The Twist Two girls feel hard done by when a particular prefect reports them to their headmaster. When the same prefect is responsible for their second visit to the headmaster's study, it sets them thinking. What I Really Want Misbehavior in class leads to an unexpected request, although the teacher isn't sure whether he really wants to go along with the idea. Sixth Form Smoking Two girls are caught smoking, but their punishment is not entirely conventional. The New School Secretary Stella is very pleased to have secured a new job working as an assistant school secretary in a girls’ boarding school. The girls like her too, but then one takes advantage of Stella’s friendliness. The Escort Persistent failings result in Karen Donaldson having to attend a disciplinary meeting with her teacher, who decides she has insufficient powers to deal adequately with the girl. Thus Karen finds herself being escorted to an even less pleasant meeting with the Sixth Form Principal. Publisher's Note: While the stories in this book share a school setting, it is made clear in all of them that the characters are over the age of eighteen.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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having second disciplinary thinking Stella