Egyptian Texts Of The Bronzebook The First Six Books Of The Kolbrin Bible


Egyptian Texts Of The Bronzebook The First Six Books Of The Kolbrin Bible


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Egyptian Texts Of The Bronzebook - The First Six Books Of The Kolbrin Bible by Janice Manning (Editor), Marshall Masters (Contributor) The Egyptian Texts of The Bronzebook: The First Six Books of The Kolbrin Bible is all that remains of a 3600-year old anthology penned by Egyptian academicians and scribes after the Hebrew Exodus. The result of a regional search for the one true G-d of Abraham, it offers alternate accounts of Exodus and Noah's Flood. Written in Egyptian Hieratic, first translated to Phoenician and then into English, it describes a planet the Egyptians called the "Destroyer." According to recently translated Sumerian texts, this object (also known as Nibiru or Planet X) is in a 3600-year orbit around our sun. The Egyptians say it caused Noah's Flood and the Plagues of Exodus.  Like the Druids, Sumerians and Mayans, they also warn us of its imminent return and of yet another Biblical tribulation.  画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Exodus Biblical >Written called Abraham