The Choice: Ronald Reagan Versus Barack Obama and the Campaign of 2012


The Choice: Ronald Reagan Versus Barack Obama and the Campaign of 2012


132 円 (税抜き)

The Choice resurrects iconic Conservative Ronald Reagan, making him 32 years younger and places him in the middle of the 2012 election. Using actual Reagan speeches and quotes, The Choice is the answer for anyone who has ever asked the question, "What would Reagan do?" The year is 2012. The United States is in peril as it faces rampant unemployment and unprecedented inflation. ? Angry mobs of young people have taken to the streets in random acts of violence while in the Middle East, Iran tests a nuclear weapon. President Barack Obama, ending his first term, has federalized health care, increased government spending and grown the national debt to 15 trillion. With the election looming, the American people have never faced a more important decision. Will they stay the course with a President who believes an unregulated free market is at the core of the nation's problems? That government must be utilized to shrink the income disparity between rich and poor and level the playing field for the middle class? Or will they choose a candidate who believes that high taxes and too many regulations have stifled business? That government isn't the solution to our problems, rather the problem itself? That candidate: ? none other than Ronald Wilson Reagan. Left for dead after losing the 2008 Republican nomination to John McCain, ? Reagan's message of tax cuts, deregulation, and peace through strength carry the former actor through the 2012 primaries, and eventually to his shocking nomination over the heavily favored Mitt Romney; setting the stage for one of the most historic elections in American history.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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violence solution history problem shocking