Suffer The Blessings: The Chosen


Suffer The Blessings: The Chosen


799 円 (税抜き)

In a world on the brink of another major upheaval, Corey Devon wants nothing more than to live his simple life working his simple job. When the unrest comes to him, everything he thought he wanted changes. He and five other former soldiers are chosen to spearhead the start of a new era, an era without the vile Arcanes of lore. The Arcane races that have been secretly hunted for countless lifetimes rise against their persecutors, unwittingly tipping the scales back and forth as they form surprising bonds. All they want is the simple freedom to live apart from those who would see them eradicated. Simplicity comes at a high price when many lives that have no connections tangle together in the quest for justice. People may change, but souls never do.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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against together changes Arcanes persecutors