Mean, Median And Standarad Deviation for The Given Data


Mean, Median And Standarad Deviation for The Given Data


968 円 (税抜き)

"On average, what percentage of the people in the fifty states and the District of Columbia does not have health insurance?  Place your answer, rounded to 2 decimal places, in the blank.  2. Based on the data above, what is the median percentage of people who do not have health insurance in the fifty states and the District of Columbia?  Place your answer, rounded to 2 decimal places, in the blank.  3. Find the standard deviation of the percentage of people in the fifty states and the District of Columbia who do not have health insurance.  Place your answer, rounded to 2 decimal places, in the blank. 4. The distribution of the data given in the table above is A. Normally distributed B. Positively Skewed C. Negatively Skewed D. Binomially distributed "画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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rounded Columbia answer percentage decimal