My Testimony: Our Journey To And Through God's Healing


My Testimony: Our Journey To And Through God's Healing


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June 30, 2011. The day after surgery to remove a second cancer in two plus years, I was being rousted out of my hospital bed to walk about a bit to help improve my recovery process. My bed had a stationary grip-bar movement assist overhead so I decided to use it to help the nurses help me get out of bed. “1…2…3! Arggggggggggggg! Count it all joy!!!” and they lifted me out of the bed and onto my feet. A couple of weeks out of the hospital, my wife and I were in study around a subject taught by Apostle Frederick K. C. Price. Part of his discussion included the above verse and the knowledge that all Christians must have that Jesus took our “stripes” (from Satan’s whip); punishments, sins, death, and tribulations away when he gave his life for us. When trials and tribulations (“divers temptations,”) come into our lives, that reality should make us joyfully face whatever comes, knowing that we already have been redeemed, we have but to accept and confess. My wife commented, “Oh, you were just talking about that when you were in the hospital.” “HUH?” was all I could muster. “When did I say something like that?” “You mean you don’t remember saying that?” She went on to relate the story above. The more she talked; the memory came back to me. During this journey to and through God’s healing, I have learned many things. Primarily, when you study God’s Word, you have multiple resources to call upon, consciously or subconsciously to help you get through. God always provides a way. I understand why I didn’t remember the incident. I was hooked up to an “iv” with some serious drugs that day and many things are still fuzzy. I’m still learning about how to understand, access, and utilize God’s promises. And how to accept and obey the Creator. One night in early August, we retired to bed around 10:00 pm. For the next four hours, I tossed and turned. God kept putting images of a book in my mind and would not let me sleep. I rose at 2:00 am, turned on the computer and got to work. At 5:00 am, I left for my Life-alysis treatment. On the computer keyboard, I had left eight letter size pages of text. I got a call from Sharon around 6:30 am excited, and breathlessly asking me what I had done, when, and where was the rest ? I reminded her that it was she who told me to get up and put a few ideas on paper. Combined with the advice of my middle sister, Phyllis (she then gave me a journal to keep notes,) for me to write a book, way back in 2009, I finally listened and completed this project.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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