Researches In Sinai Ancient Egypt and Palestine


Researches In Sinai Ancient Egypt and Palestine


10,016 円 (税抜き)

First published in 2005. Written by one of the most eminent and respected Egyptologists ever known, this remarkable work is at the same time original research in a previously neglected area of survey, an account of an archaeological survey and its methods of the time and a fascinating and illuminating discourse on the policies of the region. It is certain that no work or writer has addressed the issues of Egyptian ambition and the events of which took place in Palestine. Palestine, a fought over land even at that time, inhabited by various tribal groups as it was, its history and its archaeological remains are discussed Ion the spot' so to speak, both in relation to the finds of the expeditions, known historical events and accounts taken from the Bible particularly the accounts of Exodus.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Exodus region history Palestine inhabited