Pretty in Plaid A Life, A Witch, and a Wardrobe, or, the Wonder Years Before the Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smart-Ass Phase


Pretty in Plaid A Life, A Witch, and a Wardrobe, or, the Wonder Years Before the Condescending, Egomaniacal, Self-Centered Smart-Ass Phase


728 円 (税抜き)

Jen Lancaster's cultural inferiority complex had to come from somewhere...and now fans can find out where in this hilarious New York Times bestselling memoir from the author of Bitter is the New Black. Before she was bitter, before she was lazy, Jen Lancaster was a badge-hungry Junior Girl Scout with a knack for extortion, an aspiring sorority girl who didn't know her Coach from her Louis Vuitton, and a budding executive who found herself bewildered by her first encounter with a fax machine. In this hilarious and touching memoir, Jen Lancaster looks back on her lifeーand wardrobeーand reveals a young woman not so different from the rest of us. Prepare to take a long walk in her (drool-worthy) shoes in this humorous and heartwarming trip down memory lane.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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-worthy Junior before reveals author