Australia - The Immigrants Guide to Retail


Australia - The Immigrants Guide to Retail


1,291 円 (税抜き)

Retail is a real challenge in Australia. With migration to Australia, the opening of retail businesses by these new arrivals has been one of the driving factors in the growth of Australian retail sector. This book is designed to assist and inform a migrant who wants to make a success of a retail business in Australia. It covers the following aspects of retail business: the advantages and disadvantages of buying a franchise and how to avoid the many pitfalls that franchisees need to be aware of, in order to be successful. You will have to spend a great deal of money buying a franchise, so it is better to be safe than sorry; the dos and donts of entering into a lease in a shopping centre and how to deal with landlords, so as to ensure that you have firm lease; it also deals with your selling of the business at the best price. This is the first of three volumes about retail business in Australia. The other volumes in the series will include: Managing a Retail Business and Retiring from a Business and Handing over to Your Heirs and Successors. About the Author: Hymie is a certified practicing accountant (FCPA) with many years financial and management experience, and has run his own consulting company, specialising in the retail and property industry. In his role as business consultant, Hymie Zawatzky has assisted new immigrants with the basic requirements of running a small retail business in Australia. Also, large companies work with him before setting up their retail franchise structures. He, therefore, has a thorough understanding of the problems and pitfalls facing the uninitiated wanting to go into retail business. He has used his vast knowledge and experience in this area of business in order to write this series. He is the author of the books: Australia the immigrants guide and Retail Australia Understanding the Finances of your Business, both of which have sold in Australia and Internationally. If you have an interest in the retail sector you will thoroughly enjoy and benefit from reading Hymies new offering.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » BUSINESS & SELF-CULTURE
Australia retail problems franchisees migrant