When Truth Prevails


When Truth Prevails


1,614 円 (税抜き)

When Truth Prevails A Novel by D. C. Deffenbaugh Convicted of the murder of Mary Louise Hendricks 18 years before, Michael Henry Jordan's execution is four days away. When Justice Alicia Gerome Bailey receives a stay of execution request for Jordan, she can't know how the events of the next few days will connect the dots of her life. Alicia vaguely remembers the case, but after reviewing the evidence, she has a haunting feeling. Is Jordan guilty? She struggles for evidence to support a decision - any decision. The more she deliberates, the more the six degrees of separation reveal connections and contribute complexities to her dilemma. Alicia's husband of more than 25 years, Professor Jonas Alan Bailey, is a renowned scientist and director of a prominent research center. The Baileys share friends and associations that add other troubling dimensions and involvement in the case. Alan Bailey has developed equipment for measurement of cognitive abilities and evaluation of brain damage in brain trauma patients. Several star-crossed events present the opportunity to provide facts to the court about the case while preserving the clandestine nature of Bailey's startling and revolutionary developments in science. Not quite strange enough to be true, When Truth Prevails reveals the intertwined lives of talented, tenacious, complicated, and dedicated people who care for each other, value the environment, and most importantly, fight for truth.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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Jordan remembers contribute -crossed evidence