Twenty Ways to Boost Your Focus, Alertness and Short-term Memory


Twenty Ways to Boost Your Focus, Alertness and Short-term Memory


266 円 (税抜き)

Are you looking to improve your ability to think, concentrate and stay alert? Over the last two decades there has been a lot of research into how the brain functions and this has led to an outpouring of books and articles about how to improve mental performance. However there in no magic bullet to improving mental functioning, and many books and articles make exaggerated claims about particular supplements, diets and brain training methods. Certainly there are a wide range of techniques and supplements that can be of help, but in many cases the benefits are very limited. Individual responses can also be very variable, and what works for one person may not work for another. Because of this, it’s often better to try a number of approaches to improving mental performance. Twenty Ways to Boost Your Focus, Alertness and Short-term Memory is a clear and concise booklet which covers a range of practical ideas for improving mental performance and workplace productivity that have been proven, or have shown genuine promise, in scientific studies. It’s particularly focused on new ideas for making the most of time-tested methods of boosting mental performance, such as taking caffeine-based drinks or naps, rather than promoting new or exotic supplements, or high-tech brain-training methods than have yet to be proven in scientific trials. (approximately 9, 500 words, including resources and a glossary of terms).画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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