The Puppet Kingdom


The Puppet Kingdom


533 円 (税抜き)

Red is a fairy tale brought to life by the strength of belief-- she embodies Red Riding Hood in the modern world. With no knowledge of who she is, Red must learn everything anew. While living with a human family, Red slowly comes to believe that she, too, is human. Between Zack, a boy who won't admit to anyone just how broken his heart is, his precocious and insightful younger sister, and the quiet, detached gloom of their father, Red has enough to handle. But the sudden discovery of a strange power throws her into confusion. Overwhelmed by this new power and by the realization that she alone cannot solve the family's problems, Red runs, preparing to lose herself in the wide world. But there is more to her story and history than she knows, and Red cannot shirk her responsibilities. An evil queen, herself a tale brought to life, starts erasing well-known fairy tales from all memory, and Red is the only one who can stop her. First, she must learn who she is, and what she can become. But in order to do that, she will have to give up her humanity, and the boy who gave it to her.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
embodies history throws humanity father