Caregiver Storm: How to Make Money While Building Customer Loyalty by Helping Clients in Crisis


Caregiver Storm: How to Make Money While Building Customer Loyalty by Helping Clients in Crisis


1,320 円 (税抜き)

We’re all getting older. And that’s the good news. The bad news is that at some point most of us will need help. Help with living and help with dying. And the people most likely to provide that help are family members. But these family members also have lives ? kids, jobs, bills. And all these things will take a serious hit without proper planning. It’s not the jaunty, happy subject matter of a motivational speaker. But it’s a topic every individual, association and company needs to address. As our population lives longer lives, chronic illness and managed care will increasingly become part of the daily conversation. Ben Neiburger is an Illinois-based Elder Law attorney and Certified Public Accountant. He’s also a speaker who travels the country showing organizations how to respond to the coming elder care crisis in America with humanity, while preserving productivity and profitability. Ben speaks to legal, healthcare and financial planning professionals about managing this aging demographic’s needs and the needs of their caregivers. He also speaks to associations and corporate HR audiences about planning for caregivers in a way that allows them take care of their responsibilities at home while continuing to be productive, profitable and contributing members of the organization.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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longer getting matter Certified profitable