Openly Gay, Openly Christian How the Bible Really Is Gay Friendly


Openly Gay, Openly Christian How the Bible Really Is Gay Friendly


1,291 円 (税抜き)

The Bible really is gay-friendly and affirming says Rev. Samuel Kader as he shows in his ground-breaking book what lessons can be learned from Scripture, history and experience. Here is direct language we find what is really contained in the Bible regarding homosexuality and gay relationships, and the results are truly surprising. Jonathan, an Old Testament lsrealite, was probably not only gay but in love with the same man (David) as his sister. Both brother and sister had a marriage ceremony of life commitment to King David in the Biblical account. But David declared he loved Jonathan the most. Ruth proclaimed undying love and commitment to her dear Naomi, and the words were so powerful that at heterosexual weddings ever since, people repeat the same vows at the altar. These issues and more are explored by Rev. Samual Kader, a pastor in the flow of the gay Christian movement since 1975. Scriptural and anecdotal evidence is given to show that "gay and Christian" is a powerful move of God on earth. Rev. Kader's pastoral and personal insights make this pioneering book a must read for all people.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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regarding brother language direct marriage