Cornucopia Carnarvon Family & Friends Favourite Recipes


Cornucopia Carnarvon Family & Friends Favourite Recipes


499 円 (税抜き)

Jessie Larman's most popular cook book - Cornucopia: Carnarvon Family & Friends Favourite Recipes - is filled with favourite recipes from the idyllic town of Carnarvon, North West Australia. Her recipes promote the delicious local produce grown along the banks of the Gascoyne River, although you don't have to live there to experience the delightful tastes and wondrous aromas of this tropical oasis in the middle of the outback. About the Cook: Jessie Larman is a great grandmother, author and artist. As well as teaching oil painting, Jessie Larman brings decades of experience to her cooking (and a little secret her grandmother taught her).画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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