The Rose Inheritor, Book 2 in the Tale of the Dragon's Last Child


The Rose Inheritor, Book 2 in the Tale of the Dragon's Last Child


525 円 (税抜き)

In this sequel to the Rose Orphan, Tamlin, Isabella and Maerlahn continue their journey, but now it is into the Shunned Lands. There is where they must cross paths with Prince Mauldren, son of the Usurper King, in the ancient ruins of a fallen elven city. Hidden within this remnant of the old world is a device that promises to alter the balance of power on all of Ashaeran. And even should they continue, dangers shall await on the long road to Callimaer... Still following Tamlin like a hound is the tormenter of her youth, Zaeryn, driven by the need for revenge and goaded on by the dark powers that have given him her 'scent.' Then there is Heldeizier, one of the last of the corrupted elves. She is intent on the recapture of the princess whose spilled blood will be used to release the Dark God from his eternal prison. And ever present upon the edge of her consciousness is the inheritor of all she and her kind had ever been, and forsook in a terrible moment a thousand years ago. If she crosses this last vestige of the old world, she will she see it consumed and destroyed utterly. The journey home only grows ever more dangerous as the darkness begins to rise…画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » FICTION & LITERATURE
dangerous Callimaer release fallen Usurper