Playing Charades With the Deceased


Playing Charades With the Deceased


1,056 円 (税抜き)

Do you have a family member or loved one who has crossed over... Do you secretly wish that there was a way to communicate with them and make sure that they are ok? Believe it or not, the deceased long to make a connection with us as much as we would like to and it is easier than you think. Follow along as Michelle shares with you the frightening realities of her own childhood attempts to communicate with spirits and what it was like to grow up as a psychic child. Learn how she was able to turn what could have easily become a disastrous experience into a lifetime of helping others make contact with loved ones that they have lost, and read more than a dozen authentic stories of unconditional love and healing. Whether you are a seasoned pro , someone just starting out or curious about the subject of spirit communication, this book exposes all of Michelle's trade secrets on this controversial subject, showing you how communicating with the deceased can be as easy as playing a game of charades! Playing Charades with the deceased can teach you; * What it feels like to communicate with spirits. * How to protect yourself from negative spirits, recognize if you are in contact with one and how to make them go away by clearing the energy. * How to protect yourself and your home before, during and after communicating with the deceased. * how to safely make contact with the deceased by using a pendulum, Ouija or Spirit board, Automatic Writing and more! * How to Channel * How to do a professional reading for someone * How to conduct a Seance. * The way the deceased communicate and how to understand them. * Advanced practices for your psychic development. * & Much more... Michelle's Guidance is Authentic and loving as she shares with you her most treasured gift...Playing Charades with the deceased.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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本・雑誌・コミック » 洋書 » SOCIAL SCIENCE
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