Paleo Grilling A Modern Caveman's Guide to Cooking with Fire


Paleo Grilling A Modern Caveman's Guide to Cooking with Fire


2,972 円 (税抜き)

Embracing the Paleo movement is about getting back to basicsーeating food in its most simple, unprocessed form, just like our ancestors. And what is more basic than cooking meat over a fire? This book features more than 100 grilling recipes using a variety of methods for cooking natural, locally farmed meat over fire: primitive campfire, wood and charcoal, gas grilling, and smoking. Paleo Grilling will help you to choose the best meats for any meal, and offers international recipes, including side dishes and desserts suitable for the modern caveman.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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getting grilling desserts farmed variety