Bag of Lost Marbles: Poetry Collection I


Bag of Lost Marbles: Poetry Collection I


800 円 (税抜き)

This book contains a collection of sixty poetic works from my thoughts and ideas. May you find what you are looking for within this Bag of Lost Marbles. I reached out with my mind, body, and soul to all the things around me. Words rolled in quickly like cerebral marbles of everything I found. Within moments they spilled out of the bag upon the table becoming a sprawled out pattern of a tarot card's message. Very soon I found myself burning away midnight oil of the candlelight as the scrolls began to fill my own library. A rush of excitement empowered me onward knowing that these gems and marbles were out of my head. I thought every individual could benefit from this new found insight in their own personal way.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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excitement myself benefit library insight