Your Guide to Starting and Building your Business: How I Survived my First Year of Full-Time Self-Employment AND Running a Successful Business after the Start-up Phase


Your Guide to Starting and Building your Business: How I Survived my First Year of Full-Time Self-Employment AND Running a Successful Business after the Start-up Phase


950 円 (税抜き)

Bringing together "Going it Alone at 40: How I Survived my First Year of Full-Time Self-Employment" and its sequel, "Who are you Calling Mature? Running a Successful Business after the Start-up Phase", this special e-book only omnibus edition gives you information and support on setting up and running your business, full of personal experience and examples from a real-life successful small business. Offering a discount on the price for the two books independently, this omnibus edition shares information and experience on ... - deciding whether you're suited for self-employment - setting up your small business - decisions to make in the early days - winning and keeping customers - saying not to customers - making more money - investing in your business - blogging and social media画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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