Penny Dreadful is Incredibly Contagious


Penny Dreadful is Incredibly Contagious


635 円 (税抜き)

My name is not actually Penny Dreadful. It is Penelope Jones. The 'Dreadful' bit is my dad's JOKE. But in fact I am completely UNDREADFUL. It is just that sometimes my BRILLIANT IDEAS turn into DISASTERS. E.g. I didn't mean for Dad to have to go to a crucial meeting with a plastic flowerpot stuck on his head, I was only trying to invent a Patented Brain Massaging Helmet. Plus how was I to know that you can't do chickenpox for show-and-tell, or go to ballet class dressed as a blue cat, because even in disguise I am INCREDIBLY CONTAGIOUS! Three fantastically funny Penny Dreadful adventures in one fab book! Shortlisted for the Roald Dahl Funny Prize 2011画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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disguise sometimes Massaging ballet meeting