To Wander Infinity


To Wander Infinity


792 円 (税抜き)

Something is wrong with the world. It's a sentiment shared by a great many, and one that has frequently risen to young Marc Daniels's thoughts over the course of his life, though he has never been able to pin down a single reason for his dissatisfaction. When a confusing and unexpected vision turns his life upside down, however, he finds far more to worry about than what might be wrong with Earth. An entirely different world exists beyond anything Marc has ever known, and that world has troubles of its own. Jiam Meruvian, a sorcerer from Gotrala, works to reunite the sister worlds, defying the planets' guardians and creating a bypass to slip past their protection. With such a bypass set in his own world, though, Gotrala is made vulnerable to worse things than a single mage's ambitions, and far more hands are in play than the sorcerer's alone. Marc Daniels isn't the only youth chosen to defend the two worlds, and there is far more for he and his friends to worry about than merely finding a way home. For reasons of his own, Jiam Meruvian intends to destroy Earth. The sorcerer's bypass has not gone unnoticed by darker forces. And a centuries-old prophecy implies that one world or the other will die not by Jiam's hand . . . But by Marc's.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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worlds implies Gotrala exists single